Product Information


Wire cage light bulb protector. Hinged door on bottom for ease of bulb change.

12cm x 12 x 20cm long.

The benefits of using a light protector cage are:

  1. Safety: One of the primary benefits of using a light cage protector is enhanced safety for both the reptile and the reptile keeper. Reptiles, especially those with climbing tendencies, may accidentally come into contact with the lighting fixtures, leading to burns or injuries. The light cage protector acts as a barrier, preventing direct contact and reducing the risk of accidents.

  2. Protection: Reptile lighting setups can be quite expensive, with specialized bulbs, UV lamps, and heat emitters being common components. The light cage protector helps safeguard these expensive fixtures from accidental damage caused by reptile behavior, such as climbing, jumping, or knocking objects around. It prevents reptiles from dislodging or shattering the bulbs, extending their lifespan and reducing replacement costs.

  3. Heat Distribution: Many reptiles, especially those requiring basking areas, rely on heat emitted from specialized bulbs or heat lamps. The light cage protector allows for proper heat distribution while preventing direct contact between the reptile and the heat source. This promotes a more natural heat gradient in the enclosure, creating a comfortable environment for the reptile to regulate its body temperature.

Current Stock:
Shipping Cost: Calculated at Checkout
Width: 12.00
Height: 20.00
Depth: 12.00

Customer Reviews (1 Review) Write a review of this product

Light cover

very strong and durable quality product